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The intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter scale after servicing

by:Sincerity Group     2020-11-28
Abstract: the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter scale after servicing information produced by excellent flow meter, flow meter manufacturer to offer you the quotation. Due to the use of the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter is ferrari's principle of electromagnetic induction, so again according to the nature of the medium to the correct scientific selection and installation, generally the failure rate is very low, but also can't avoid some mistakes cause damage. More flow meter manufacturers choose model price quote you are welcome to inquire, here is the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter scale after servicing the article details. Due to the use of the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter is ferrari's principle of electromagnetic induction, so again according to the nature of the medium to the correct scientific selection and installation, generally the failure rate is very low, but also can't avoid some mistakes cause damage. Let's for some common fault give some solution 1, no display, no signal output failure analysis: 1). And check whether the power supply is connected or the power supply circuit fault 2) Good, check whether the output signal or wiring loose; 3) , flow meter, measuring pipeline and medium grounding is not reliable; 4) , measuring medium not completely full of pipeline; 5) And electrode surface oxide or attachments, cleaning electrode; 6) , measuring circuit fault 2, liquid crystal display is not clear, output rock failure analysis: 1) , adjust potentiometer & lsquo; 1 w3 ' Clockwise to increase the contrast; 2) , fluid itself is passive or pulse; 3) , pipes, not filled with liquid or liquid containing bubbles; 4) And outside electromagnetic interference; 5) And liquid physical properties ( Conductivity uneven or containing impurities) 6) And electrode contaminated or corrosion; 7) , flow meter, measuring pipeline and medium grounding is not reliable; 3, unstable zero failure analysis; 1) , pipes, not filled with liquid or liquid containing bubbles; 2) There is small, the pipe flow of 3) Imperfect, grounding, external electromagnetic clutter interference; 4) And liquid physical properties ( Conductivity uneven or containing impurities) ; 5) , signal circuit insulation falling; 4 do not tally with the actual value and measured value failure analysis: 1) , sensor value is not correct; 2) And sensor installation position is not correct, or liquid containing bubbles under pipe; 3) Length of straight pipe upstream or downstream, sensor is insufficient; 4) , the measuring tube containing other affect measuring branch; 5) Good, unprocessed signal cable or cable insulation decline in use process; 5, the output signal full value failure analysis: 1) Unicom, detecting sensor electrodes to see if there is liquid; 2) , detection cable is disconnected or wiring error; 3) , after the instrument is not electrical isolation or error setting above is all there is in this article, you are welcome to inquire me factory flowmeter selection, quotation, etc.
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