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Coriolis vs magnetic flow meter

Mass Flow Meter and Magnetic Flow Meter are our commonly used flow meters. What Is the Difference Between Mass Flow Meter and Magnetic Flow Meter?

There are several options for measuring the flow of liquids. The two most common types of flow meters are mass flow meters and magnetic flow meters. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will explore the differences between mass flow meters and magnetic flow meters, including how they work, what their benefits are, and what their potential disadvantages are.

What is a Mass Flow Meter?

A mass flow meter, also known as a mass flow sensor, mass flow meter working principle is measures the flow rate of a fluid based on its mass. The flow rate is determined by the difference between the mass of the fluid entering the meter and the mass of the fluid leaving it. This difference is then taken into account.

Due to their direct mass flow measurement, high accuracy, and ability to measure fluids with varying properties, coriolis flow meters are commonly used in this industry. Flow meters with magnetic components can also be used to measure corrosion-resistant fluids, but they are restricted to conductive fluids, and petrochemical products are not conductive.

The most accurate flow meters are Coriolis mass flow meters. However, these are not appropriate for many applications because they are extremely expensive, usually large, and are complete overkill for most applications.

There are several different types of mass flow meters, including Coriolis mass flow meters, thermal mass flow meters. Each type works in a slightly different way, but they all rely on the principle of measuring the mass of the fluid to determine the flow rate.

The accuracy of mass flow meters is one of their key advantages. In contrast to other types of flow meters, they are less affected by changes in temperature and pressure, which can cause errors. This makes them suitable for a variety of applications where accuracy is critical, such as the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

Coriolis vs magnetic flow meter 1

What is a Magnetic Flow Meter?

A magnetic flow meter, also known as a magmeter, measures the flow rate of a conductive fluid using magnetic fields. The method works by sending a current through a pair of electrodes, creating a magnetic field. A conductive fluid flows through a pipe, disrupting the magnetic field, and this disturbance is used to determine how fast the fluid flows.

Magnetic flow meters are commonly used to measure the flow of water and other conductive liquids, such as sewage, slurry, acids and bases. They are also often used in the food and beverage industry, as well as in the pulp and paper industry.

Among the key advantages of magnetic flow meters is their non-invasive design. Because they use magnetic fields to measure the flow of the fluid, they do not require moving parts or obstructions in the pipe, making them easy to install and maintain. Additionally, they are relatively resistant to temperature and pressure changes, making them ideal for harsh environments.

Differences Between coriolis vs magnetic flow meter

While both mass flow meters and magnetic flow meters are used to measure the flow of fluids, there are several key differences between the mass flow meter vs magnetic flow meter:

Accuracy: Both mass flow meters and magnetic flow meters are known for their accuracy. But mass flow meters are generally considered to be more accurate, especially in applications where the temperature or pressure may vary.

Compatibility: Mass flow meters are compatible with a wide range of fluids, including gases, liquids, and slurries. Magnetic flow meters, on the other hand, are only suitable for conductive fluids.

Measurement Principle: As mentioned above, mass flow meters measure the mass of the fluid in order to determine the flow rate. While magnetic flow meters use magnetic fields to measure the flow of conductive fluids.

Maintenance: A mass flow meter may require more frequent maintenance, such as cleaning and calibration, than a magnetic flow meter. A magnetic flow meter, on the other hand, requires relatively little maintenance, because it has no moving parts and is not affected by wear and tear.

Cost: In terms of cost, electromagnetic flow meters are more affordable than mass flow meters. The cost of electromagnetic flow meters is moderate. It is suitable for more users. Mass flow meters have higher measurement accuracy, but they are also more expensive. For customers with specific needs.

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