
Sincerity Group | Coriolis flow meter manufacturers| 

Applications and Advantages of Krohne Coriolis Flow Meters

by:Sincerity Group     2023-12-07

Applications and Advantages of Krohne Coriolis Flow Meters


Coriolis flow meters have revolutionized the field of flow measurement, and Krohne is a leading manufacturer in this arena. These flow meters are widely used across various industries due to their accurate and reliable performance. In this article, we will explore the applications and advantages of Krohne Coriolis flow meters, shedding light on their capabilities and benefits.

Understanding Coriolis Flow Meters

Before delving into the applications and advantages, let's first understand how Coriolis flow meters work. These meters utilize the Coriolis effect, which is a phenomenon where an oscillating tube is subjected to forces as fluid flows through it. The fluid flow causes the tube to twist, and the degree of twist is proportional to the mass flow rate. By measuring this twist through highly sensitive sensors, Coriolis flow meters can determine the flow rate and density of the fluid.

Industrial Applications

Krohne Coriolis flow meters find extensive applications in various industries due to their versatility and accuracy. Let's explore some of these applications:

1.1 Oil and Gas Industry

In the oil and gas industry, accurate flow measurement of fluids like crude oil, natural gas, and petroleum products is crucial for efficient operations. Krohne Coriolis flow meters provide real-time data on flow rates, enabling operators to optimize production and minimize wastage. They are also suitable for custody transfer applications due to their high accuracy and reliability.

1.2 Chemical Processing

Corrosive and hazardous fluids are common in chemical processing plants, making accurate flow measurement challenging. Krohne Coriolis flow meters are designed to handle a wide range of fluids, including aggressive chemicals. Their robust construction and resistance to corrosion make them ideal for use in this industry.

1.3 Food and Beverage

For the food and beverage industry, maintaining quality and hygiene standards is of utmost importance. Krohne Coriolis flow meters offer precise measurement of liquid and viscous products, such as fruit juices, milk, and syrups. Their hygienic designs, easy cleaning, and compliance with food industry regulations make them an excellent choice.

Advantages of Krohne Coriolis Flow Meters

Now that we have explored the applications, let's discuss the advantages offered by Krohne Coriolis flow meters:

2.1 High Accuracy

Krohne Coriolis flow meters provide highly accurate measurements, even for challenging fluids. The ability to measure density along with flow rate ensures precise results, even if the fluid properties change over time. This accuracy allows for better control of processes, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced costs.

2.2 Mass Flow Measurement

Unlike many other flow meters, Coriolis flow meters directly measure mass flow rate rather than relying on volumetric measurements. This makes them independent of fluid temperature and pressure variations, thereby providing accurate readings regardless of changing operating conditions. Mass flow measurement is particularly valuable in applications where product quality and quantity need to be closely monitored.

2.3 Wide Turndown Ratio

Krohne Coriolis flow meters offer an excellent turndown ratio, which is the ratio between the maximum and minimum measurable flow rates. This means they can accurately measure both high and low flow rates without requiring multiple meters. The wide turndown ratio makes these flow meters highly versatile, as they can be utilized in various applications that involve fluctuating flow rates.

2.4 Multi-Variable Functionality

Apart from measuring mass flow rate, Krohne Coriolis flow meters can also provide additional process data simultaneously. Parameters such as density, temperature, and viscosity can be measured within the same meter, eliminating the need for additional instrumentation. This multi-variable functionality simplifies the overall measurement and control system, saving installation space and costs.

2.5 Minimal Pressure Loss

Pressure drop is a concern in many flow measurement applications, as it can impact overall system performance. Krohne Coriolis flow meters have low-pressure loss characteristics due to their straight tube design and absence of internal obstructions. This not only ensures accurate measurements but also minimizes energy consumption and reduces pumping costs.


Krohne Coriolis flow meters have proven their worth across a wide range of industries, thanks to their accurate measurement capabilities and numerous advantages. Whether in the oil and gas industry, chemical processing, food and beverage production, or any other application requiring flow measurement, Krohne Coriolis flow meters offer reliable and precise results. With their high accuracy, mass flow measurement, wide turndown ratio, multi-variable functionality, and minimal pressure loss, these flow meters have become an indispensable tool for optimizing processes, reducing costs, and enhancing productivity.

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