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The point of steam flow meter scale measurement

by:Sincerity Group     2020-12-11
Abstract: the main points of the steam flow meter scale measurement information produced by excellent flow meter, flow meter manufacturer to offer you the quotation. Can be divided into saturated steam and superheated steam of steam. In flow computing devices according to the density of superheated steam temperature and pressure look-up table to calculate the mass flow rate, but when the superheated steam after long distance transmission, or due to improper measures of pipeline insulation, tend to cause. More flow meter manufacturers choose model price quote you are welcome to inquire, here is the article details the main points of the steam flow meter scale measurement. Can be divided into saturated steam and superheated steam of steam. In flow computing devices according to the density of superheated steam temperature and pressure look-up table to calculate the mass flow rate, but when the superheated steam after long distance transmission, or due to improper measures of pipeline insulation, often because of the temperature to reduce the heat loss from overheating state into the critical saturation state, and even some steam condense into droplets by a phase change, then become wet saturated steam ( Supersaturated steam) 。 In the heating industry, steam flowmeter measurement inaccurate is common problem, the main reason analysis are as follows. 1, measurement analysis: currently use to measure steam flow, measured medium is refers to the superheated steam single-phase or saturated steam. For vapor phase flow change frequently, will certainly has the problem of inaccurate measurement. The solution to this problem is to keep the steam superheating temperature, reduce the water content of steam as far as possible, strengthen the steam pipe heat preservation measures, for example, to reduce the pressure loss of steam, etc. , in order to improve the accuracy of measurement. However, these methods can not completely solve the problem of steam flow measurement is not accurate, the fundamental way to solve this problem is to develop a measurable two-phase flow medium flow meter. 2, superheated steam after long distance transportation, as the operating conditions ( Such as temperature, pressure) Changes, especially in the case of superheating temperature is not high, make it by temperature to reduce heat loss from overheating in saturated or oversaturated, into a saturated steam or supersaturated steam with water droplets. Saturated steam drastically reduced pressure, the liquid in the adiabatic expansion will be saturated steam or supersaturated steam with water droplets. Saturated steam drastically reduced pressure, the liquid in the adiabatic expansion will be transformed into superheated steam, forming gas-liquid two phase flow medium. Used to test the gas flow meter is a lot of more phyletic, zui used widely in speed and volume flowmeter, their common characteristic is only continuous determination of traffic volume, in the cases of the volume flow is the state of the function, the working status of the definite representation of the actual flow, volume flow engineering is generally expressed in standard condition or volume flow to mass flow. So need more steam flow measurement compensation measures are taken, and because of the change of state compensation of steam factors are also complex. Superheated steam density is determined by the two parameters of steam temperature and pressure, and within the scope of the different parameters, the density of expression is not the same, can't expressed in the same general formula, so cannot obtain the formula of uniform density, only individual temperature and pressure compensation formula is obtained. In place of temperature, pressure range is bigger, in addition to the temperature and pressure compensation, also need to consider on the gas expansion coefficient & epsilon; The compensation. No matter adopt what kind of meter testing of saturated steam flow, under the condition of steam pressure fluctuation, pressure compensation measures must be taken, this is because in the flow equation, contain the factors of steam density, working conditions with the design conditions, the readings will produce the error, the size of the error and the pressure of work related to the size of the design pressure deviation. The following three measures should be taken: (at the moment 1) The steam pipeline must have a good heat preservation measures to prevent heat loss. ( 2) Should avoid even the appearance of the drum level is too high in the boiler operation, to minimize the load drastic fluctuations ( 3) In steam piping to piecewise hydrophobic, before the pipe zui place and instrument of pipeline should be set on the hydrophobic, timely discharge condensate. Above is all there is in this article, you are welcome to inquire me manufacturer flowmeter selection, quotation, etc.
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