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The correct installation of the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter scales

by:Sincerity Group     2020-11-28
Abstract: the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter scale correct installation information produced by excellent flow meter, flow meter manufacturer to offer you the quotation. 1, the horizontal and vertical installation of sensor can be installed in a horizontal and vertical, but should make sure to avoid sediment and bubble influence on measuring electrode, electrode axial level as well. Vertical installation, fluid flows from bottom to top. 2, ensure full pipe installation:. More flow meter manufacturers choose model price quote you are welcome to inquire, the following is the correct installation method of the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter scale article details. 1, the horizontal and vertical installation of sensor can be installed in a horizontal and vertical, but should make sure to avoid sediment and bubble influence on measuring electrode, electrode axial level as well. Vertical installation, fluid flows from bottom to top. 2, to ensure the full pipe installation: to ensure that the flow sensor in the measurement, the pipe is filled with flow body, cannot appear the full package. Such as pipeline is not full package or exports have empty state, the sensor should be installed on a siphon. 3, the sensor can't installed in high position, the position of the accumulation of bubble between 4, bent pipe, valve and pump installation: in order to guarantee the stability of the measurement, straight pipe should be set up before and after of the sensor, its length by chart is given. If can't do should use current stabilizer or reduce the measurement point section. 5, sensors, the straight section of import and export of straight pipe, the installation of the ideal location should choose enough straight pipe before and after the measurement point. Imported straight section should & ge; 5 d, export straight pipe & ge; 3D( D for sensor of nominal diameter) 。 Plug-in imported straight section should & ge; Straight section of 20 D, export & ge; 7D( D for sensor of nominal diameter) 6, the installation of pipe exports is empty: when export to empty status, sensor should not be installed in the empty place, should be installed in low. Below the sensor installed in the pipeline, should guarantee the sensor inside is filled with liquid, cannot appear atc. 7, sensor cannot be installed in the inlet of the pump: to avoid negative pressure, the sensor cannot be installed in the inlet of the pump, and should be installed at the outlet of the pump. 8, united and parallel installation: if there is need to a few sensors in series in sequence in the same line, the distance between each sensor shall be at least the length of the two sensors. If two or more sensors installed in parallel, each other the distance of the sensor must be greater than 1 m. Above is all there is in this article, you are welcome to inquire me manufacturer flowmeter selection, quotation, etc.
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While the productivity and efficiency benefits of automation are unequivocal for manufacturing mass flow meter, the need for skilled humans to operate, utilize and advance technologies is equally unmistakable.
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