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Precautions for installation and use of positive displacement flow meter (1)

by:Sincerity Group     2023-01-16
Abstract: Precautions for installation and use of volumetric flowmeters (1) Information is provided by excellent flowmeter and flowmeter manufacturers and quotation manufacturers. According to the characteristics and requirements of the installation and use of the positive displacement flowmeter, in order to ensure the accurate measurement and reliability of the flowmeter, it is first necessary to ensure that the volumetric cavity (measuring cavity) is filled with liquid when measuring the flow, which is one of the principles of accurate measurement. required by the above principles. For more flowmeter manufacturers to select models and price quotations, you are welcome to inquire. The following are the precautions for installation and use of positive displacement flowmeters (1) The details of the article. According to the characteristics and requirements of the installation and use of the positive displacement flowmeter, in order to ensure the accurate measurement and reliability of the flowmeter, it is first necessary to ensure that the volumetric cavity (measuring cavity) is filled with liquid when measuring the flow, which is one of the principles of accurate measurement. Under the requirements of the above principles, please follow the installation requirements and operation steps. 1. Installation requirements 1.1 A filter should be installed before the flowmeter, and the arrows on the two shells point in the same direction as the flow of the medium. 1.2 When the measured liquid contains gas, a gas separator should be installed in front of the flowmeter. 1.3 Regardless of whether the pipeline is installed vertically or horizontally, the rotor shaft in the flowmeter is installed in a horizontal position (that is, the dial should be vertical to the ground), as shown in the figure above. 1.4 When the flowmeter is installed correctly, if it is not easy to read, the dial direction of the counter can be turned to 180°or 90°That's it. 1.5 Before installing the new flowmeter, use a bamboo stick to push the rotor from the outlet several times (to avoid the memory sediment sticking to the rotor after the factory inspection). 1.6 The throttle valve should be installed at the inlet of the flow meter, and the opening and closing valve should be installed at the outlet. When using the opening and closing valve, it should be started slowly, and the valve should not be opened suddenly. 1.7 It is strictly forbidden to use steam or gas to purge the flowmeter to prevent damage to the rotor. 1.8 In the continuous use department, the flow meter must be equipped with a bypass pipeline. 1.9 Before the flowmeter is installed, the pipeline needs to be flushed, and the straight pipe section (replacing the length of the flowmeter position) is used for flushing to prevent welding slag, debris, etc. from entering the flowmeter. 1.10 It is strictly forbidden to use water to calibrate the flowmeter composed of cast iron and cast steel to prevent the cast iron and cast steel from rusting. 1.11 When the flowmeter is in use, the flow rate shall not exceed the technical requirements. It is advisable for the flowmeter to work at 40-80% of the maximum flow. 1.12 For the medium that is easy to condense and crystallize, the medium in the pipeline should be heated, and the flowmeter and filter should be equipped with thermal insulation jacket. When in use, the heat medium passing into the insulation jacket should be fully heated and maintained at a certain temperature to ensure the normal operation of the flowmeter. (Technical Center) The above is the entire content of this article. You are welcome to inquire about the flowmeter selection and quotation of our factory. 'Precautions for installation and use of volumetric flow meter (1)'
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