Abstract: the intelligent vortex flow meter scale installation considerations special remind information produced by excellent flow meter, flow meter manufacturer to offer you the quotation. Intelligent vortex flowmeter is characterized by small pressure loss, wide range, high precision, working condition of the measurement volume flow is almost not affected by the fluid density, the influence of the parameters such as pressure, temperature, viscosity. No moving mechanical parts, so high reliability, small amount of maintenance. More flow meter manufacturers choose model price quote you are welcome to inquire, here is a intelligent vortex flow meter scale installation considerations special remind article details. Intelligent vortex flowmeter is characterized by small pressure loss, wide range, high precision, working condition of the measurement volume flow is almost not affected by the fluid density, the influence of the parameters such as pressure, temperature, viscosity. No moving mechanical parts, so high reliability, small amount of maintenance. In the table of parameters can be stable for a long time, is a more advanced, the ideal measuring instrument. Mainly used in industrial pipeline medium fluid flow measurement, such as gas, liquid and vapor, and other media. 1, the rationality of the select installation location to avoid strong power equipment, high-frequency equipment, strong power switch device; To avoid the influence of high temperature heat source and the radiation source, to avoid strong vibration and strong corrosive environment and so on, at the same time to consider easy installation and maintenance. 2, there must be enough straight pipe upstream and downstream. Sensors installed upstream of point on the same plane has two 90. Elbow, are: straight pipe upstream & ge; 25 d, the downstream straight pipe & ge; 5 d。 Sensors installed upstream of point in different plane has two 90. Elbow, are: straight pipe upstream & ge; 40 d, downstream straight pipe & ge; 5 d。 Regulating valve should be installed on the downstream side of the sensor outside 5 d, if must be installed in the upstream of the sensor, the sensor straight pipe upstream should be not less than 50 d, downstream should be not less than 5 d. 3, the necessity of pipeline vibration reduction measures. Sensor to avoid installed in the strong vibration, transverse vibration in particular. If need to install the anti-vibration measures must be taken, respectively at the upstream and downstream of sensor 2 d piping fastening device, and vibration-proof pad. Vortex flowmeter are 4, installation is one of the most common installation in horizontal pipe runs. Measuring gas flow rate, if contain a small amount of fluid in the gas being measured, the sensor should be installed in the pipeline is relatively high. Measurement of liquid flow, if the liquid contains a small amount of gas being measured, the lower part of the sensor should be installed in the pipeline. Upstream and downstream piping should be installation points and the sensor concentric, coaxial deviation should be no less than 0. 5DN。 5, vertical pipe sensor installation method. Measuring gas flow rate, the sensor can be installed in vertical pipe runs, flow to the unlimited. If the measured gas containing a small amount of liquid, gas flow should be from the bottom up. Measuring the liquid flow rate, liquid flow shall be from the bottom up: it won't attach additional liquid weight on the probe. 6, selection pressure and temperature measuring points. According to the demand of measurement should be near the sensor to measure the pressure and temperature, the pressure measuring point should be 3 - of the downstream of the sensor 5 d, temperature measuring points should be 6 - of the downstream of the sensor 8 d7, how to make the sensor in the upper horizontal pipeline. Regardless of what kind of flow measurement, the sensor can be in the upper horizontal pipeline, especially the measurement of superheat steam and saturated steam and low temperature liquid, if the condition permits the best side, so that the temperature of the fluid have less effect on the amplifier. 8, in horizontal pipe runs inversion sensor techniques. Generally do not recommend using this installation method. This installation method is not applicable to measure the general gas, superheated steam. Can be used for measurement of saturated steam, high temperature suitable for measuring the liquid or frequent cleaning pipelines. When measuring high temperature steam, thermal insulation layer can't more than a third of the bracket height. Above is all there is in this article, you are welcome to inquire me manufacturer flowmeter selection, quotation, etc.
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