In view of the different fault of plug-in electromagnetic flowmeter is answering questions plug-in electromagnetic flowmeter in the process of use due to various reasons will appear some problems, then we analyze some common fault for everybody the cause and the solution to help you later at the time of these problems can be solved better. Common failure analysis and solution: first, the flow measurement is not accurate to 1. Measure the fluid problem not completely full of measuring tube; 2. Signal connection has a problem; 3. Coefficient of sensor, the sensor zero no sensor sign or factory set up check list. Solution: 1. Make the pipe fluid filled with sensor measurement; 2. Correct connection for signal lines; 3. Coefficient of sensor, the sensor zero according to the factory check order Settings. Second, the liquid flows have output 1. Between the converter and signal transmission cable connection circuit; 2. Signal cable to the electrode connection circuit; 3. Electrode surface contamination or sedimentary insulating layer; 4. Bad earth or open circuit. Solution: 1. Connected cables; 2. Open the sensor, in again; 3. Scrub electrode surface; 4. Good earthed. Electromagnetic flowmeter. JPG three, liquid flow without output 1. Between the converter and signal transmission cable conductor by the two; 2. The power did not pick up or poor contact; 3. Sensor instrument piping, shell, end face has a leakage. Solution: 1. Adjust the wrong wiring of cables properly connected; 2. Connected power supply, keep good contact; 3. Repair sensor or replace a new sensor. The above is the analysis of the causes of some common faults plug-in electromagnetic flowmeter and the solution, if you have other want to know can call to inquire at any time, a superfamily real instrument welcome your calls.
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Long gone are those days when coriolis density meter were used to tuning fork liquid density meter. Now new like coriolis mass flow meter emerson mass flow meter have come up.
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