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How to solve the pipeline vibration influence on the precision of the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter scale

by:Sincerity Group     2020-12-19
Abstract: how to solve the pipeline vibration influence on the precision of the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter scale information produced by excellent flow meter, flow meter manufacturer to offer you the quotation. Abstract: the factors effect the precision of the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter decline is multidimensional, this article we mainly in the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter ruled out in the right selection, and discusses the fluid is under the premise of full package status. 1, the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter installation. More flow meter manufacturers choose model price quote you are welcome to inquire, here is how to solve the pipeline vibration influence on the precision of the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter scale article details. Influence on the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter accuracy decline is multidimensional, this article we mainly in the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter ruled out in the right selection, and discusses the fluid is under the premise of full package status. 1, the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter is installed near the pump, when the pump starts will drive the pipeline vibration, electromagnetic flowmeter; Methods: the installation of the electromagnetic flowmeter as far as possible away from the position of the pump 3 meters distance; 2, after a user feedback, electromagnetic flowmeter installation supports are relatively thin, even only a support frame, so when the pipeline vibration stress conduction meter section, due to support is not enough to resist vibration stress, it can reduce the precision of the instrument; Processing method: the location of the support member installed in the upstream and downstream 15 d range as far as possible, and in the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter is installed two support frame, so it can resist vibration stress enough, the diameter of the support frame size must be enough to hold up the weight of the instrument and pipe, and the isolation vibration; 3, when the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter have multiple supports, and also install together, if one is affected by vibration is inevitable to the next support; Processing method: when in vertical pipe runs support member is not easy to install, can install the pipeline design into a level in order to better; 4, some users installed in the vertical pipe racks, but support is not enough to support pipe and flow meter, the total weight of especially big diameter instrument, the shock resistance of the pipes and no effect; Processing method: as far as possible is to increase the diameter of the support frame, has reached to support the weight of the enough, still need to pay attention to the various racks don't together, must be installed separately; 5, if the racks installed in the flange connection of the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter, which can produce stress, that affect the precision of the instrument; Processing method: electromagnetic flowmeter is higher than the electromagnetic flowmeter as far as possible when the export pipeline installation of the second support leg of the pipeline, the role is to produce a small back pressure, prevent siphon phenomenon produce summary: by the above questions, you can see that impact under the frame of the intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter is mainly focused on the vibration of the pipeline, so that users of pipeline vibration, the above several ways to do some refer to the above is all there is in this article, you are welcome to inquire me factory flowmeter selection, quotation, etc.
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