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Calibrating and Maintaining Krohne Coriolis Flow Meters

by:Sincerity Group     2023-12-07

Calibrating and Maintaining Krohne Coriolis Flow Meters


Coriolis flow meters are widely used in various industries for accurate flow measurement. From monitoring fluid levels to regulating intricate processes, these meters offer unparalleled precision. Krohne, a leading manufacturer of industrial measurement equipment, offers a range of Coriolis flow meters known for their reliability and accuracy. However, like any other complex instrument, it is crucial to calibrate and maintain Krohne Coriolis flow meters regularly to ensure optimal performance. In this article, we will delve into the essential steps and factors involved in calibrating and maintaining these meters.

1. The Importance of Calibrating Coriolis Flow Meters:

Calibration is the process of comparing a device's output with a known reference to determine its accuracy. Calibrating Coriolis flow meters is essential as even minor inaccuracies can lead to substantial financial implications, operational inefficiencies, or even hazardous situations. By calibrating these meters, you can ensure accurate flow measurement, minimize process errors, and increase productivity.

2. Frequency of Calibration:

Determining how often to calibrate your Krohne Coriolis flow meters depends on several factors, including:

a) Fluid Characteristics:

The properties of the fluid being measured can impact the meter's calibration frequency. For example, if your flow meter handles viscous or erosive fluids, it may require more frequent calibration due to potential wear and coating effects.

b) Environmental Conditions:

Harsh or extreme environmental conditions, such as high temperatures, humidity, or corrosive atmospheres, can affect the meter's accuracy. In such cases, more frequent calibrations may be necessary to compensate for these factors.

c) Industry Standards and Regulations:

Different industries may have specific regulations or standards that dictate the calibration frequency for flow meters. It is crucial to adhere to these guidelines to ensure compliance and maintain traceability.

3. Choosing the Right Calibration Method:

There are two primary methods for calibrating Coriolis flow meters: on-site calibration and off-site calibration.

a) On-Site Calibration:

On-site calibration involves conducting the calibration process at your facility. This method offers the advantage of minimal downtime as the meter does not need to be removed. However, it requires specialized equipment and skilled personnel to achieve accurate results. On-site calibration is suitable for routine checks and when immediate calibration is necessary.

b) Off-Site Calibration:

Off-site calibration involves sending the flow meter to a calibration laboratory. This method provides a more controlled environment for calibration, ensuring accurate and reliable results. Off-site calibration is often recommended for more extensive maintenance and comprehensive calibration requirements.

4. Step-by-Step Calibration Process:

Calibrating Krohne Coriolis flow meters involves several steps to ensure precise measurements. While the specific process may vary based on the meter model and requirements, the following general steps provide an overview:

a) Preparation:

Before initiating the calibration process, it is crucial to ensure that the meter is clean, free from debris, and disconnected from the process flow. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for preparation and safety precautions.

b) Zero Calibration:

Zero calibration involves aligning the meter to null (zero) output when there is no flow. This step compensates for any internal variations or drifts. It is typically performed in a controlled environment to minimize external interference.

c) Span Calibration:

Span calibration involves applying a known and stable flow rate to the meter to establish its upper measurement limit. This process ensures that the meter accurately measures the maximum flow range without any deviations.

d) Linearity and Range Adjustment:

Once zero and span calibrations are complete, linearity and range adjustment ensure the meter's accuracy across the entire flow range. This step involves comparing the meter's output against reference values at multiple flow rates and adjusting it if necessary.

e) Documentation:

Maintaining proper documentation of every calibration process is vital for traceability, auditing, and compliance purposes. Record the calibration results, including date, time, calibration standards used, and any adjustments made during the process.

Remember, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and recommended procedures specific to your Krohne Coriolis flow meter model.

5. Importance of Regular Maintenance:

Apart from calibration, regular maintenance of Krohne Coriolis flow meters is crucial for extending their lifespan and ensuring accurate measurement. While maintenance requirements may vary based on usage and environmental factors, consider the following aspects:

a) Cleaning and Inspection:

Regularly clean the meter to remove any buildup or debris that may affect its performance. Inspect for any signs of corrosion, wear, or damage, and promptly address them to prevent further complications.

b) Seal and O-Ring Replacement:

Over time, seals and O-rings may wear out, leading to potential leaks or measurement inaccuracies. Regularly inspect and replace these components as recommended by the manufacturer.

c) Firmware and Software Updates:

Stay updated with the latest firmware and software releases provided by the manufacturer. These updates often include improvements, bug fixes, and enhanced functionalities that contribute to accurate measurements and system performance.

d) Sensor Integrity Checks:

Periodically check the sensor's integrity to ensure it is free from dents, cracks, or other physical damages. Any damage to the sensor can impact accuracy and must be addressed promptly.

e) Regular Training and Monitoring:

Ensure that personnel involved in operating and maintaining the flow meter receive proper training. Additionally, implement a monitoring system to detect any deviations or abnormalities that may indicate the need for maintenance or calibration.


Calibrating and maintaining Krohne Coriolis flow meters are vital aspects to ensure accurate and reliable flow measurement. By understanding the importance of calibration, choosing the right calibration method, following the step-by-step process, and regularly maintaining these meters, you can optimize their performance, enhance productivity, and minimize potential risks. Remember to consult the manufacturer's guidelines and industry standards to implement the most effective calibration and maintenance practices for your specific Krohne Coriolis flow meter model.

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